As Honor Credit Union rapidly expanded branch locations around Southwest Michigan, it quickly realized that it was time for their corporate headquarters to follow suit. Collective Office lended its expertise to usher the enterprise into their next chapter with a new corporate headquarters. By utilizing the operational insight gained from designing their branch locations, as well as an exhaustive brand study and growth projection, the client and design team discovered that the company was going to need much more space than anyone anticipated to house their rapidly growing business operations into the future.

Honor hq 10
Honor hq 03
Honor hq 08

This building was designed from the ground-up to embrace transparency and view, with a deep connection to site and place. The main volume of the building floats over the rolling Southwest Michigan prairie and meets the ground with a light touch. Maximum transparency happens at the ground floor as the landscape flows through, offering its inhabitants direct connection to the natural environment around the building. The form of the building directly correlates to the various operational groups within.

The office design has changed the way we work. It allows us to move around more, people can choose to work by the windows to get sunshine. It makes it easier for us to collaborate or be more flexible.”

Scott McFarland, Chief Executive Officer - Honor Credit Union

Honor hq 24
Honor construction 01
Honor construction 04
Honor hq 04
A B Panels

We designed 2 primary panels: the typical and a corner, to skin the majority of this building. This panel design allowed the precast panels to be very fast and efficient and the glazing to follow suite.


Using a single repeating window unit allows for efficiency in both cost and construction while also maximizing access to natural light.

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What we absolutely loved about this building is its extreme economy of means, its honesty, and its simplicity.”

Beth Broome, Managing Editor - Architectural Record Magazine

Because the needs of the client were so large, the building achieves enormous impact with very economical means. The exterior is made of precast concrete panels with integral brick veneer, making for a quick and easy installation. Because of its modular nature, the majority of the facade can be assembled with only 2 primary panels. The oversized window openings make for a powerful interior experience and enhance the connection to nature. This playful window arrangement also required less glazing than a traditional ribbon window, and therefore less cost, with greater visual impact.

Honor hq 15
Honor hq 18

Honor Credit Union was able to improve the working lives of their employees by actively engaging in the design process.  By taking a forward looking approach, Honor Credit Union and Collective Office were able to achieve a striking corporate headquarters building which will meet the company’s needs for years to come as their business continues to grow.